
Soak Up The Local Coffee Scene: Downtown Vancouver, WA

Take a walk through downtown Vancouver, Washington and discover the different coffee shops. From colorful, quirky, hip, and homey, you’ll be sure to find a friendly one to call home.

Soak Up The Local Coffee Scene: Bend, Oregon

  The heart of central Oregon, Bend is a favorite destination for locals and visitors alike. The laid back, casual, hip vibe fills this community of outdoor lovers. Surrounded by snow capped mountains, ancient volcanic flows, and forests as far as the eye can see, with the scent of pine… Read More

Old School Coffee

Old School Coffee

Feeling a bit nostalgic? This is my style of school.  This subtly themed coffee shop is up-scale old school – no cursive handwriting borders framing the walls, but rather long wooden tables with old-school chairs. The school theme is appropriate as the coffee shop is located on the corner of… Read More

Theo Chocolate in Seattle Wa
Black Ink Coffee

Black Ink Coffee

As part of National Small Business Week, I am going to throw a spotlight on a PNW small business every day this week. In Oregon City, just a block from the foot of the historic Oregon City Outdoor Elevator and just off I-205, is a coffee shop all its own…. Read More